API Quickstart List

Here is a quick start for integrating with the API.



Create an Application:


  1. Register your application. To find out how to register your application, check out our FAQ article on How do I create an Application?


Authentication and Authorization:


  1. Get and use either an OAuth 2 or API Key access token. To find out how to get and use access tokens, check out our FAQ article on Getting and using an Access Token?

Access Accounts:


  1. Read and process account data including all accounts that have authorized your account to access their data via the API.


Endpoint Response
Returns CCH account info associated with the given bearer token (this will be the user's account who was redirected to the OAuth server and completed the authorization code flow), including an array of all of their shared lists => "ad_lists": []
Returns CCH account info for a CCH user that has authorized your application to access their data via the CCH API, including an array of all of their shared lists => "ad_lists": []


Access UCF Data Shared by an Account


  1. Read and process shared lists including all shareds lists for accounts that have authorized your account to access their data via the API.
  2. Read and process authority documents contained in a shared list.
  3. Read and process detailed authority document data for each authority document in a shared list.
  4. Optional, get mandated, implied, and implementation Controls for an Authority Document list.
  5. Optional, Get mandated and implementation Audit Items for an Authority Document list.


Endpoint Response
Returns an array of authority document ID’s contained in a shared list
Returns detailed data about an authority document that is contained in a shared list including all of its associations to UCF elements such as citations, common controls and audit items.


Optional, Access and Write Attestation Data


  1. Get a list of CCH Authority Document list shares initiated by the account.
  2. Get a list of CCH Authority Document list shares received by the account.
  3. (Recommended) Update tracking information for multiple controls passed as an array of cch-tracked-control objects. Each object must have an "id" field.
  4. (Optional) Update tracking information for a single control in a list.
  5. Get tracking information for a CCH Authority Document list sent to and accepted by another account.


Endpoint Response
Returns a list of CCH Authority Document list shares initiated by the account
Returns a list of CCH Authority Document list shares received by the account