How do I search Organizational Tasks?

Navigate to the Organizational Tasks in search section in Research by clicking on the Orgs + Activities icon in the side bar, and clicking Organizational Tasks under that.

Organizational Tasks are displayed in alphabetical order before any search begins.

There are two ways to search Organizational Tasks: Word or Phrase and Organizational Task ID.

Search by Word or Phrase

  1. Enter a word or phrase into the search field.
    1.OT enter txt_SM041918
  2. Select Word or Phrase from the dropdown list option.
    2. OF Select drpdwn_SM041918
  3. Hit Enter or click SEARCH.
    3.OT search_SM041918

Advanced Search

Advanced Searches can be used while searching Organizational Task Name or ID to refine the search results.

Click on the Question Mark Icon


to the right of the Advanced Search checkbox to see the list of Advanced Operators available for use.


  1. Enter a term, phrase, or ID into the search field using any of the Advanced Operators listed.
    4.OT Adv Search txt_SM041918
  2. Select the Advanced Search checkbox.
    5.OT Adv Search_SM041918
  3. Hit Enter or click SEARCH.
    6OT Adv Search bttn_SM041918