Can I edit my Private Authority Document?


You can change any of the mappings in your published Private Authority Document through a Remapping project.

In this process, you edit your published Authority Document, not a copy.
If you want to create a different document for version control, you can use the New Version project. See our FAQ article Can I create a New Version of my Private Document?

To edit your Private Authority Document, follow these steps.

  1. Navigate to the Private Documents section in the UCF Mapper.

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  2. Go to the Published tab.

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  3. Find the Private Document you want in your list and click the REMAP button.

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  4. Assign the Mapper, Reviewer, and Approver. Then hit the SUBMIT button.

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  5. Once all users have accepted their role, the project can begin.


  6. To change the mapping of a Citation or Mandate, create and EDIT CITATION task.

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  7. To remove a Citation or Mandate, create and REMOVE CITATION task.

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  8. Complete the rest of the mapping process as usual.