How do I view the status of lists I have distributed to people?

  1. Log in to your Common Controls Hub account.
  2. From your Dashboard, click the Workspace tab.

  3. Click the Tracking tab.

  4. Click the Manage Distributed Lists button to view the List Distribution page.

From the List Distribution page you can see the status for all of your shared lists. The possible statuses for a list are: In Progress, Open, Accepted, or Returned.


You can also dive in deeper and see the completion status for each organization you shared the list to.

To view an in-depth status information about a list:

  1. Click the View link under the next to list you wish to view.

  2. From the pulldown, select the Recipient Organization you wish to view the completion status of.

Each control in the list will appear with "Done," "N/A" and "Certified" checkboxes checked for each Control the recipient organization responded to.
