How do I remove a product from my existing subscription?

NoteOnly the account admin can remove products. Additionally, if you have purchased from a reseller, you are not able to change products in your subscription. Please contact the reseller to modify your subscription.

  1. From your Dashboard, click the Settings tab.
    1. UCF-Ills-Browsers_Settings-4

  2. From the Manage Your Account tab click the View Details button in the Subscription table.
    2. UCF-Ills-Browsers_Manage-SubscriptionDetails
  3. From Subscriptions, click the Edit Subscription button.
    3. UCF-Ills-Browsers_Edit-Subscriptions

  4. Uncheck the box next to any products you wish to remove, and click Update.

  5. Click Yes to confirm.
    5. UCF-Ills-Browsers_Manage-AreYouSure

6. A notification box will pop-up confirming your product removal.
6. UCF-Ills-Browsers_Manage-ProductRemoveSuccess

An e-mail confirming your product removal will be sent to your e-mail address.

Removed Products remain active until your next renewal date. Until then they will show up in your Active Subscriptions with a line through them.
7. UCF-Ills-Browsers_Subscriptions-Removed