How do I make another team member the Admin of my account?

The account Admin can:

  • add or remove team members
  • edit or delete any groups or initiatives or Authority Document lists
  • complete any Common Control in a Common Controls list
  • request a merge with another account.
  • promote another account user to Admin

By default, the account Admin is the user who created your organization's account. There can only be one account Admin.

Promoting another user to Amin

  1. Go to the Settings tab.
    1. 210409-CCH-settings
  2. Click on the Team tab.
    2. 210409-CCH-team
  3. Click on the Name of the team member you want to promote to Admin.
    3. 210409-CCH-team-select
  4. Click Promote to Admin.
    4. 210409-CCH-team-promote
  5. Click YES.
    5. 210409-CCH-team-promote Copy