Getting a list of all Authority Documents in a user's account
The /my-account endpoint lists all of the basic information for a CCH account, along with a list of shared Authority Document Lists that the user created:
curl -X GET --header "Accept: application/vnd.ucf.v1+json" --header "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR TOKEN HERE>" ""
my-account endpoint response
{..."ad_lists": {"active_status": "A","authority_documents": {},"check_digit": 0,"creator": {"id": 256},"date_created": "2016-06-29","date_updated": "2016-06-29","groups": {},"id": 4125,"initiatives": {},"last_modified_by": {"id": 256},"name": "Erik API Docs","outofdate": "0","publish": "n","publish_ident": null,"publish_status": "n","time_created": "2016-06-29T12:59:16+0000","time_updated": "2016-06-29T12:59:16+0000","tracked_controls": {},"users": {},"whitebox_share": "n"}}
Within each Authority Document List in the ad_lists object, the authority_documents:_href attribute can be used to get a list of Authority Documents associated with that Authority Document List:
curl -X GET --header "Accept: application/vnd.ucf.v1+json" --header "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR TOKEN HERE>" "<AD LIST ID>/authority-documents"
authority-documents response
[{"availability": "Free","check_digit": 9,"children": {},"citation_format": "\u00b6 (Numbered Paragraphs)","citations": {},"common_name": "South African King Report 2002","date_added": "2009-03-16","date_modified": "2015-02-23","deprecated_by": null,"deprecation_notes": null,"description": "Institute of Directors in Southern Africa. The King Committee on Corporate Governance, Executive Summary of the King Report 2002, March 2002, Issued by European Corporate Governance Institute (ecgi).\n\nThis is document has a type of \"Regulation or Statute\" and is mapped as UCF AD ID 0000517 as a part of the Africa category.\nThis document's availability is \"Free\".\nIt was originally found online at:\n\nThisAuthority Document has 32 citations mapped to 32 UCF Common Controls.\nThe document as a whole was last reviewed and released on 2008-10-08.","effective_date": "2002-03-01","genealogy": "0000000 0002352 0001626 0000722","id": 517,"issuer": {"id": 287},"language": "eng","license_info": "","live": true,"official_name": "The King Committee on Corporate Governance, Executive Summary of the King Report 2002, March 2002","originator": "Institute of Directors in Southern Africa","parent": {"id": 722},"parent_category": "Africa","published_name": "The King Committee on Corporate Governance, Executive Summary of the King Report 2002","published_version": "March 2002","release_date": "2008-10-08","request_id": null,"sort_id": "000 001 044 001 002","sort_value": 2,"status": "Released","subject_matter": null,"subject_matters": {},"tab_category": null,"term": null,"terms": {},"time_created": "2009-03-16T00:00:00+0000","time_updated": "2015-02-23T00:00:00+0000","title_type": "AD","type": "Regulation or Statute","will_supercede_id": null}]
Using Authority Document Data
Basic Information
Most of the information displayed in the Common Controls hub is accessible from the data returned in the /cch-ad-list/<AD LIST ID>/authority-documents endpoint.
Here is a mapping of the fields that we display when a user clicks on the "i" button next to an Authority Document in the CCH.
All of our Authority Documents are arranged in a hierarchy.
Here is a comparison of how Authority Documents look in the CCH vs how they are represented in the data.
You can get information about the children of each Authority Document from children:_hrefattribute in any endpoint response with Authority Document information in it:
curl -X GET --header "Accept: application/vnd.ucf.v1+json" --header "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR TOKEN HERE>""<AD LIST ID>/authority-document/517/details"
Abridged authority-documents response
[{..."children": {},..."id": 517,...]
curl -X GET --header "Accept: application/vnd.ucf.v1+json" --header "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR TOKEN HERE>"""
Children response
[{"availability": "Free","check_digit": 9,"children": {},"citation_format": "\u00b6 (Numbered Paragraphs)","citations": {},"common_name": "South African King Report 2002","date_added": "2009-03-16","date_modified": "2015-02-23","deprecated_by": null,"deprecation_notes": null,"description": "Institute of Directors in Southern Africa. The King Committee on Corporate Governance, Executive Summary of the King Report 2002, March 2002, Issued by European Corporate Governance Institute (ecgi).\n\nThis is document has a type of \"Regulation or Statute\" and is mapped as UCF AD ID 0000517 as a part of the Africa category.\nThis document's availability is \"Free\".\nIt was originally found online at:\n\nThisAuthority Document has 32 citations mapped to 32 UCF Common Controls.\nThe document as a whole was last reviewed and released on 2008-10-08.","effective_date": "2002-03-01","genealogy": "0000000 0002352 0001626 0000722","id": 517,"issuer": {"id": 287},"language": "eng","license_info": "","live": true,"official_name": "The King Committee on Corporate Governance, Executive Summary of the King Report 2002, March 2002","originator": "Institute of Directors in Southern Africa","parent": {"id": 722},"parent_category": "Africa","published_name": "The King Committee on Corporate Governance, Executive Summary of the King Report 2002","published_version": "March 2002","release_date": "2008-10-08","request_id": null,"sort_id": "000 001 044 001 002","sort_value": 2,"status": "Released","subject_matter": null,"subject_matters": {},"tab_category": null,"term": null,"terms": {},"time_created": "2009-03-16T00:00:00+0000","time_updated": "2015-02-23T00:00:00+0000","title_type": "AD","type": "Regulation or Statute","will_supercede_id": null}]
Information about the parent of each Authority Document is in the parent object in any endpoint response with Authority Document information in it:
curl -X GET --header "Accept: application/vnd.ucf.v1+json" --header "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR TOKEN HERE>"""
Abridged authority-documents response
[{"id": 517,..."parent": {"id": 722...},]